Precious treasures from nature

 Precious treasures from nature

Nature helps us find our equilibrium and regain our strength.
The company Young Living is committed to the highest standard of purity and authenticity for its essential oils. Underlying this is the “seed-to-seal” process for ensuring the purity of each individual essential oil in every flask.
I only use essential oils from Young Living for the full body treatments with essential oils and gemstones or crystals.
I can establish the connection to nature in different ways.

A simple and convenient way is to use the essence of plants in the form of an essential oil with their purity and authenticity in your usual surroundings.

Are you interested? You are welcome to come to one of the informal events and make initial “contact” with these oils and find out about the various applications for which they can be used.
The oils are one way of making nature part of your everyday life.

Do you have any further questions, perhaps you live nearby?
If not, you can get in touch with me by phone.
You can decide how you want to use these products and under what conditions.

I will be happy to explain how you can order them yourself at a discount (24% below the retail price) and the goods will then be delivered to your home. If you are interested in this option, just sign-in under this link: and I will be happy to help you.
As your personal contact, I will be glad to provide you with further details.
I wish you a lot of pleasure.

© Birgit Lutz - Bewusst.Leicht.Leben, Heilberaterin für ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Neßlauerstr. 107/1, 73434 Aalen

    visualization and implementation | mediengestaltung, Aalen